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Cold Hearted by Winter Renshaw

I wish I could say our meeting was happenstance.

I wish I could say we took one look and we just knew.

I wish I could say falling for him was the best thing that ever happened to me.

But none of that would be true.

Rhett Carson was as cold as the ice on which he skated. He was as calloused as the hands that shot the goals that won world titles. He was also damaged. And broken. And he didn’t know it, but I knew all about him.

I knew why he was so bitter and angry.

I knew why he was so coldhearted.

But I didn’t know why I allowed myself fall in love with him, and I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop…even when he told me to.

And that’s when everything changed.

“How do you know where I am?” I ask.
“You called me last night, remember?” My former college roommate answers, huffing into the phone.
I rest my elbows against the counter, hunched forward. “No. I don’t remember anything about last night.”
“Not surprising. You never could hold your liquor,” she says, sighing. “Plus you said you were drinking Jäger, and you always do stupid shit when you drink Jäger. You should probably check your phone and make sure you didn’t call any ex-boyfriends.” She coughs. “Ethan.” She coughs again. “Noah.”
Shit. She’s probably right. She knows me well.
“Anyway, I’ll be there innnnn about five minutes,” Bostyn says.
I hang up with her and check my call history with suspended breath, breathing easy when I see there are no Ethans or Noahs in my call history. It never fails. I get drunk–I drunk dial ex-boyfriends. I’m a sentimental, gushing idiot when I’ve had too much to drink, and the alcohol always makes me temporarily forget all the reasons we didn’t work out, even if those reasons were rock solid.
Pulling up Safari on my phone, I check my web history as well because I’ve been known to do a bit of drunk-emailing in my day, though I suppose that comes with the whole writer territory. My agent tells me I’m the only person she knows who drunk–emails people, but I don’t believe her. There are more of us out there, I just know it.
Within seconds, I'm able to confirm the contents of my Google search history seem about right.

What time is in Los Angeles right now?
What time does Starbucks open tomorrow?
Starbucks + Lexington Avenue + NYC
How many calories are in a venti very berry hibiscus refresher?
Starrbuckks vs Dean and Delluucca who is better?
Turtle meeme
Turtle memee
Turrtle meme
Funny turtle memes
Baby sea turtle gif
Is there actual deer blood in Jägermeister?
Rhett Carson
Rhett Carson + New York Spartans
Rhett Carson hockey player
Are pet sloths legal?
Rhett Carson girlfriend
How tall is Rhett Carson?
Rhett Carson biography
Rhett Carson photos

Well, fuck. Drunk me must’ve been doing a bit of research last night. I chuff and place my phone back on the charger. I have zero recollection of any of that. I wonder if I found anything good? Or what the hell made me so curious that I had to dig up everything I could about this poor man?

Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon bestselling author Winter Renshaw is a bona fide daydream believer. She lives somewhere in the middle of the USA and can rarely be seen without her trusty Mead notebook and ultra portable laptop. When she’s not writing, she’s living the American dream with her husband, three kids, and the laziest puggle this side of the Mississippi.

And if you'd like to be the first to know when a new book is coming out, please sign up for her private mailing list here --->

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For Finlay by J. Nathan

Title: For Finlay
Author: J. Nathan
Genre: New Adult Sports Romance
Release Date: January 30, 2017


Finlay Thatcher is a lost soul, guilt-ridden after the death of her twin brother. When Alabama's football coach gives her the opportunity to work for him, she knows it's her chance to move on, even if it means living her brother's dream.

Caden Brooks is Alabama's star quarterback. He's got it all. The attention of adoring fans. A girlfriend who'd do anything to hold on to him. And a future in the pros. He's getting along just fine until Finlay steps into his life, despising him at first sight and pushing his buttons like no other.

Unfortunately for Finlay, and her attempt to keep Caden at arm's length, there's nothing Caden loves more than a challenge. The problem with this challenge is she comes with a secret that has the power to destroy everything.

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“You’re awfully quiet this morning.”

My eyes cut to Brooks. His ear buds dangled over his shoulders. I tugged mine out. “Huh?”

“Just wondering what pearls of wisdom you’re gonna bestow upon me today.”

“You need to stop hesitating when you drop back,” I told him, much to his obvious surprise. “Either do it or don’t. Did you see how those guys pummeled you?”

“See it? I was under it.”

“Yeah, well, your offensive line sucks. But you can’t give the defense a chance to get to you. Know where you’re throwing and hit the mark. Your receivers are good. They’ll get there.”

He stared at me, his eyes narrowed slits.

I wiped my face with the small towel I’d draped over the treadmill screen. “Don’t worry, you’ve got potential.”

He laughed disbelievingly. “Potential? I’m the starting quarterback for Alabama.”

Those words—especially leaving his mouth—cut deep. The only reason he was playing was because Cole wasn’t.

“I’ve got more than potential,” he assured me.

“Yeah. You’ve got a massive ego ready to destroy small countries,” I said, my words clipped as I remembered why I despised him so much.

“All great athletes have egos. You’ve got to.”

Wow. My hatred toward him was growing by the second. “And you’re humble.”

He laughed. Didn’t he notice I wasn’t laughing? I hoped to God he didn’t think I was flirting. This was as far from flirting as one could get.

We ran in silence, the pounding of our sneakers on the treadmills mirroring the pounding in my head brought on by his arrogance.

“What’s your deal anyway?”
I glanced over at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Not many girls know so much about football and wake up at four in the morning to run.”

I scoffed. “Hope you’re not implying I thought you’d be here.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“But you were thinking it.”

He smirked. “You’d be amazed at the lengths girls go to get my attention.”

My eyes flared. “I suppose you think I took some crash course in football, too, just to impress you with all my knowledge.”

“Just saying.”

My face scrunched as I pressed the arrow on the screen to quicken my pace. “Keep dreaming, superstar.”

“Girls have done some whacked out shit.”

My eyes jumped between the wall in front of me and Brooks. “First of all, I’m not about to steal your towel because it has your sweat on it, nor will I be swiping your jockstrap to sell online. We, my friend, are victims of bad timing.”

“Bad timing?”

“Yeah. Anytime you’re in my space, it’s bad,” I assured him.

Author Bio

J. Nathan is the author of the new adult novels For Finlay, Before Hadley, Until Alex, and Since Drew. When she's not writing, she's a total romance junkie! Add an alpha male who's unlikable in the beginning...even better. Happy endings are a must. Love triangles and negative people are the bane of her existence. Her family, friends, guys in backwards hats, and watermelon margaritas are the light…

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Wrong by Cailin Daire

Title : Wrong (Hollywood Bad Boys) 
Author : Caitlin Daire 

How many wrongs does it take to make Mr. Right?


Jacob Archer is your typical bigshot Hollywood playboy—cocky, rich, and handsome. He’s also a total scumbag. After tricking me into the worst date of my life for his own nefarious purposes, he won’t leave me alone, and to add to that, I’m stuck working on a film set with him. Try as I might, I can’t seem to escape the prick.

But did I mention he’s hot as hell?

I know it’s wrong to want him. I know I should stay away. But every time he’s near me, my heart races. He makes me feel safe like no man ever has, and the way he looks at me makes me melt.

Maybe I was wrong about him after all….could he actually be my Mr. Right?

Nora Valencia is the crazy, evil ex-girlfriend of someone I know. When my best buddy suggests that I take her on a mind-numbingly terrible date to make her regret ruining our mutual friend’s life, I jump at the chance. After all, she deserves it, right?
Nora is actually gorgeous, smart, funny, and innocent of everything she was accused of. Unfortunately, she also hates me and thinks I’m Satan incarnate after that awful first date. Luckily, I have another chance to win her over while she works on my latest movie, and I won’t give up.

I’m going to show her everything she got wrong about me...                


Author bio: Caitlin Daire writes about sexy men and the smart, curvy women who love them. She has found her own happily-ever-after ending with her husband and two kids.

Clickbait by Lisa Suzanne

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Publication Date: February 3, 2017


I run a popular dating and relationship blog in San Diego. People think I’ll spill their secrets all over social media—and that’s probably true. One mention from me can make you the hottest commodity in town or sink your social life. I protect my friends, but others sometimes end up as clickbait.

My newest column is all about the most undateable men in San Diego. Between my own experiences and those of my friends, I have plenty to choose from. Want to know if Carter King, the heir to King Communications with gorgeous abs and a persistent personality, makes the list or ends up in my bed? Read on to find out…

posted by Courtney Sanders

5. You could use a laugh. 
4. There’s a guy named Axel.
3. Abs and beaches.
2. Sex. Lots of sex.
1. Carter King may be my next headline.

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About Lisa Suzanne

Lisa Suzanne is a romance author who resides in Arizona with her husband and baby boy. She’s a part-time college instructor and former high school English teacher. When she's not cuddling baby Mason, she can be found working on her latest book or watching reruns of Friends.  

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