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Who Are We?

A Small Girl - AKA Kathleen

I LOVE to read. I mean, I've been reading novels ever since my mother showed me her own continuously growing collection in the back of her closet so that I couldn't reach them and break them. since then, I would sneak a Harlequin here and there, hoping she wouldn't notice that I've borrowed it (honestly, I don't think it worked though! lol), then i would head off to the library and take as many as i could, spending more time there than any other place i knew (next to the pool). the strange looks I would get as i would take these massive 'bricks' was priceless and I would read each and every single page of them and find myself immersed in these new worlds was simply priceless. 

Since those days, I've created my own personal library, paperback literally EVERYWHERE in my home, the basement, the bedroom, the living room and even the kid's and office rooms simply because I don't have enough room! then I discovered ebooks and then my addiction went crazy! Owning more books than I can count, I started my blogging life in 2014 with a group of ladies and increased how many books I'd read and then in 2016 I decided to create my own blog, wanting to show the world (and friends) just what reading means to me. 

The Indie community {the community of authors who self publish without the means of a conventional publishing house) and even the publishing world has become like a second family and not a day goes by that I don't love to support it in any way that I can ~ through posting on this Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. Want a book reviewed or wish to have your newest or upcoming book posted with us? don't hesitate to send us an email at and we'll do the rest!


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