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Venerable by Laura B. Martinez

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   Laura B. Martinez
   Cover Designer: Lucy Holland
   Release Date: November 30th
   Genre: Romantic Suspense/Thriller
   Hosted by : Chance Promotions
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   Innocent. Confused. Curious.
   She was a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time.
   He saved her.
   He took her from the hands of an animal just to throw her to the Monsters.
   For the first time in his whole life, he wished he wasn't the
   worst of them all
   Will the darkness extinguish Sebastian's only light?
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   Mason and Geoffrey barged in, sending the door crashing to the wall. I instantly let go of her lip and felt the loss of its warmth.
   “For fuck’s sake, Bastian.” Mason breathed heavily. “Why the hell didn’t you wait for me?” He glared at me and then I saw his eyes grow wide when he saw    her at my table.
   A pang of jealousy hit me with such force that I put myself in front of him obstructing her from his view.
   “Don’t look at her,” I seethed.
   “Whoa, calm down, man,” he said with a smirk.
   “I’m sorry, Mason.” I tried to compose myself. What the fuck was that? I had never once talked to him like that, like I meant to hurt him.
   I could feel Geoffrey’s stare. He didn’t say a word. I knew what he was thinking though; I knew why he was watching me closely.
   “It’s cool, man, but,” he pointed at the unconscious man lying on the ground, “What’s not cool is that I didn’t get a chance with that piece of shit. Is he    dead?” he asked.
   “No, I just knocked him out cold. I still have unfinished business with him.” I turned to look at him, anger still present.
   “What now?” Geoffrey finally asked.
   “Put him in the chair and tie him up, I’ll come back to him in a few,” I answered.
   “What are you going to do?” Geoffrey asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
   “I’m taking her out of here, to my suite. She needs medical attention,” I replied, evidence of my own worry present in my voice.
   “I could do that if you’d rather stay here and take care of him now,” Geoffrey offered.
   “No.” I couldn’t stomach anyone but me touching her, not even Geoffrey. “It’s fine, I’ll take her to my suite. You can come with me if you like, make sure    no one sees her and call the doctor once we get there.”
   “Yes, I think it’s best. Mason can handle him by himself.” Geoffrey turned and looked at Mason. He wasn’t asking, he was ordering him to do what he said.
   “Of course I can, who do you think you’re talking to?” Mason tried to lighten the mood. Something he always had to do while being around me.
   I walked back to her. She was still out so I got rid of her restraints as gently as I could, the adrenaline was still running through my veins and I didn’t    want to hurt her.
   Did I?
   My mind went back to the moment I first saw her. I knew something was wrong. What I didn’t…couldn’t admit, was that something was wrong with me, again.
   I fought so hard not to let this feeling crawl its way back to the surface, but I was losing the battle already because while she lay there, terrified and    completely helpless, I couldn’t decide what I wanted more.
   To fuck her or to kill her.
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   Laura hails from Hell, as a destroyer of hopes and a keeper of souls, she enjoys writing dark and twisted tales while destroying the lives of happy people.    As a seeker of knowledge, she’d rather spend hours doing research than join the land of the living in the outside world. When she takes a break from    devastating humankind with her words, you can find her enjoying the pleasures that can only be obtained from her other favorite forms of art: movies,    music, and coffee.


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